Patch Notes: Game Update 2.2

New Content:

  • New mode: Restricted Arena. A new Multiverse Arena where you’ll fight other players under restricted conditions every season.
  • New feature: Hero Reset. You can now reset your heroes and get back the hero duplicates you invested.
  • New Feature: Piggy Bank. Complete GDA Ops to store extra rewards in your Piggy Bank. Store enough rewards to break it open!
  • New Artifact:
    • Oxygen Helmet
  • New campaign:
    • Season 2: Chapter 16.
  • New Environment:
    • Monaco.
  • GDA Ops: 10 new ranks to upgrade.
  • Alliances: 10 new regions.


  • Reward balancing for alliances region rewards changed.
  • Multiverse Arena shop has been reworked.
  • New Relics and new Heroes in Multiverse Arena Shop: Thula and Lucan are being replaced by Agent Spider, Darkwing 2, Kid Omni-Man and Multi-Paul.


  • Switched the faction bonus layout to a clockwise direction.
  • Burger Mart’s environment has been polished.
  • Polished VFX of spotlight moments in battle.

Fixed issues:

  • Heroes persistent stack on GDA Ops lineup and battle.
  • Strange behavior of VFX in GDA Pass.
  • Animation missing VFX on flying heroes when losing.
  • Blood appears in empty GDA OPS/Campaign/Multiverse Arena.
  • Main skill name doesn't update when changing hero.
  • VFX transition in hero screen was not showing.
  • Thula and Lucan don't rotate correctly when using their Passive 2.
  • Red Rush moves to a wrong position when using his passive.
  • Aquarus doesn't rotate when using passive 1.
  • Flaxan Staff skill up damage values.
  • Events' "expires in" timer shows 34m 25s left every time the GDA Hub is opened.
  • Onboardings' timer shows the remaining time with incorrect dates in Agent’s Journey.
  • Inconsistency when going back in the GDA pass after going to the daily missions.
  • Count battle fight achievement storing too many times.
  • Purchase Hero Confirm popup carrousel when there are only heroes with a lower rank than elite.
  • Missing sounds when opening the info tooltip or tapping the hero portrait.
  • Images in GDA passes are shown cropped.
  • Debug Text Output present instead of the title for incoming events that started while the app was opened.

Reward Code: ARENA2