Patch Notes Version 2.0 (11/02/25)
Última actualización: 36d
Patch Notes: Game Update 2.0

New Content:
- GDA Pass: A new way to get in-game rewards! Collect pass tokens by playing, choose your pass, and unlock heroes, artifacts and resources.
- New heroes available in the GDA Pass:
- New Artifact:
- New campaign:
- Season 2: Chapters 14 and 15.
- New Environment:
- New Hall of Fame leaderboards:
- Top Collection.
- Top Hero.
- Top Alliance.
- New 10 regions in Alliances.
- New missions implemented.
- Added new Splash Screen with Kid Omni-man and Multi-Paul.
- Multiverse Arena matchmaking formula changed.
- UI consistency for Multiverse Arena and Cecil’s Nightmares leaderboards improved.
- Alliance owner is now automatically demoted after a month of absence.
- You can now invite player to Alliance from Player Profile.
- Chat Icon has been reviewed (it’s more visible now).
- Changed icons on Alliance chat when a new chat message is received.
- A ban icon is shown if the user has been banned in the chat.
- Updated Splash Screen.
- Live Events images size polished and now they fit in all resolutions.
- Collection characters polished.
- Hide tab buttons when the GDA Ops can never be ranked up.
- Bonus packs tweaks.
Fixed issues:
- Shop offers order.
- Battle button doesn't get highlighted after unlocking a GDA slot from pre-battle menu.
- Localization doesn't update on the friend system tabs.
- Game returns to the Attack screen if the user presses the Back Button during the first two seconds in a Multiverse Arena Battle.
- League info button does not work in multiple languages.
- Healing gel it's healing 85% of your defense stats every second.
- Confusing description for Medical Headband Artifact in Collection Tab.
- Low resolution image used for Anissa's sprite in Campaign.
- Agent Spider threads material fixed.
- Fixed Mauler Twin melee death animation frames
- Universa’s VFX ground crack to local space fixed
- Magmanite’s VFX basics only showing sparks fixed.
- Fixed Battle Beast's attack SFX timing.
- Damien Darkblood’s VFX enemy landing fixed.
- You can purchase the same boosters multiple times.
- General landing SFX fixed.
- Prevented some heroes from getting stuck when they are killed in the middle of executing main ability.
- You can change the state of the private profile tapping into the information popup.
- Rank up Mission displays Rank number instead of times to rank up.
Reward Code: PATCH2