Patch Notes Version 1.5 (01/10/24)
Última actualización: 169d
Patch Notes: Game Update 1.5

New Content in 1.5:
- Added a new main HUB.
- Added Hero filters.
- Added Chapters 8 and 9 to Season 2 of the campaign.
- Added a Tiebreaker to Multiverse Arena battles.
- Added a slider in the settings to choose how often the WOW Moments get triggered.
- Added Top 100 Scoreboard in Multiverse Arena.
Polishing and Optimization:
- Improved load time on initial loading screen.
- Divided loading screen in multiple steps.
- Multiverse Arena Tiebreaker: Force a defeat if the user sends the app to background while battling.
- Removed initial cooldown for enemies’ abilities in Multiverse Arena battles.
- DNA Sequencers have been added as a reward after each Multiverse Arena battle.
Fixed Issues:
- In Multiverse Arena gear and artifacts stats were calculated twice to enemy team, resulting in a much stronger team than expected by its power.
- Fixed the exploit of increasing the GDA Ops waves by restarting the game from the rewards screen while disconnected from the internet.
- Gear and artifacts effects and stats are not updated after they are equipped or removed from heroes during battle in GDA Ops.
- Flaxan spray gun's passive is not applied when used in battle.
- Cerulean Cosmos Flower's passive doesn't trigger during battle.
- Tether Tyrant's Synergy Passive does not increase his defense each time an enemy or ally dies in any Battle mode.
- Enemy Faction bonus is not shown in the Pre-Battle screen for the Cecil's Nightmares Menu.
- Dupli-Kate's duplicates appear on the defeat screen in Cecil's Nightmares.
- "New Record!" announcement appears no matter the point amount in Cecil’s Nightmares.
- Loading Screen between "Skip pre-battles" may appear cut in some screen proportions in Cecil’s Nightmares.
- When a shop is at its maximum level the progress bar is not fully filled in.
- The red timer when a GDA ops is ending appears when there is time left.
- Missing special gear level up currency tooltip.
- When ranking up the heroes’ stack in the first row.
- The greyed-out state for offers when player has not enough currency is triggered only on first entry.
- Pre-battle team power has a limit in 2.14b.
- You can see the battle loading in the top of the screen if skip pre-battle button is active.
- Inconsistency between damage dealt and taken may appear after ~20 or more seconds in a battle with multiple heroes that has battle stats.
- Hero Skill up does not change when the user passes the next hero.
- Role icons colour change after skill charges.
- The artifact count icon is not refreshed immediately upon crafting.
- Faction bonus may increase / decrease while using 5 heroes in an alliance with 2 or more members.
- Network Error pop up does not appear when the user loses internet connection in game.
- The game remains stuck if an in game reconnect button is used and then the reconnect button is tapped in the Loading screen.
- First launch with the new update, the loading download 100+Mb extra.
- An error appears after closing the game during battle with a player and starting the same battle again.
Reward Code: PATCH1