Hungry Shark Evolution follows Ubisoft's Privacy Policy and commitments. This Privacy Policy is incorporated as part of the Ubisoft Terms of Use, accessible at HTTP://LEGAL.UBI.COM/
If you play in the USA:
When you launch Hungry Shark Evolution for the first time in the United States of America (USA), you will land on the Legal Terms and Privacy screen. From this page, you can access the game's EULA, Terms and Use, and Privacy Policy by tapping on the corresponding buttons. To proceed, you need to enter your age between 0 and 100. Move the cursor to define your age and click on ACCEPT to validate your age. This also happens if you launch the game offline or if the game cannot identify the country you are playing from.
If you play in the EU:
You can also find out more about Ubisoft's GDPR commitments and manage your privacy preferences by tapping the "I want to know more about my player experience" button at the bottom of the screen. From this new screen, you can learn about our use of your game activity data. You can also choose to accept or decline whether Ubisoft provides you with personalised discounts in the game and that Ubisoft processes your data for its own use, or shares it with trusted partners for marketing purposes. These options are automatically ticked when landing on the screen unless you said previously that you are 15 or under. In this case, the preferences are disabled and cannot be changed. Once you make your choice, you need to tap the red cross in the top right corner to come back to the previous screen, and then click the "ACCEPT" button at the bottom of the screen to close the window and start playing.
You can access all the legal texts anytime later from the "Options" menu located on the main screen. Tap on "Privacy Policy" to find Ubisoft's Privacy policies."