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Patch Notes Version 2.0 (11/02/25)
Last Updated: 45d
Patch Notes: Game Update 2.0
New Content: GDA Pass: A new way to get in-game rewards! Collect pass tokens by playing, choose your pass, and unlock heroes, artifacts and resources. New heroes available in the GDA Pass: New Artifact: New campaign:Season 2: Chapters 14 and 15. New Environment: New Hall of Fame leaderboards:Top Collection. Top Hero. Top Alliance. New 10 regions in Alliances. New missions implemented. Added new Splash Screen with Kid Omni-man and Multi-Paul. Changes: Multiverse Arena matchmaking formula changed. UI consistency for Multiverse Arena and Cecil’s Nightmares leaderboards improved. Alliance owner is now automatically demoted after a month of absence. You can now invite player to Alliance from Player Profile. Chat Icon has been reviewed (it’s more visible now). Changed icons on Alliance chat when a new chat message is received. A ban icon is shown if the user has been banned in the chat. Polishing: Updated Splash Screen. Live Events images size polished and now they fit in all resolutions. Collection characters polished. Hide tab buttons when the GDA Ops can never be ranked up. Bonus packs tweaks. Fixed issues: Shop offers order. Battle button doesn't get highlighted after unlocking a GDA slot from pre-battle menu. Localization doesn't update on the friend system tabs. Game returns to the Attack screen if the user presses the Back Button during the first two seconds in a Multiverse Arena Battle. League info button does not work in multiple languages. Healing gel it's healing 85% of your defense stats every second. Confusing description for Medical Headband Artifact in Collection Tab. Low resolution image used for Anissa's sprite in Campaign. Agent Spider threads material fixed. Fixed Mauler Twin melee death animation frames Universa’s VFX ground crack to local space fixed Magmanite’s VFX basics only showing sparks fixed. Fixed Battle Beast's attack SFX timing. Damien Darkblood’s VFX enemy landing fixed. You can purchase the same boosters multiple times. General landing SFX fixed. Prevented some heroes from getting stuck when they are killed in the middle of executing main ability. You can change the state of the private profile tapping into the information popup. Rank up Mission displays Rank number instead of times to rank up. AND MORE! Reward Code: PATCH2