New Content:

Quality of Life Improvements:

  • Alliance Chat.
  • Claim All & Replay All" button for the GDA Ops.
  • Gear Special Level Up. New way to upgrade the gear Seismic/Seismic+/Omnipotent/Omnipotent+ above level 5.
  • Events Finished State: Events will give a few hours to players, to collect their GDA, after the end of the event.


  • The revive condition have been changed in the GDA ops:
    • Previously: When the last member of the team dies, the whole team revives.
    • Now: When a member dies, they revive after 10 sec.
  • Mauler Twin Melee:
    • Stats:
      • ATK: 2126 → 2250.
      • DEF: 535 → 540.
    • Abilities:
      • Main: damage modifier 350% → 375%.
      • Synergy: increase physic attack 4% → increase physic attack 3% & increase physic defense a 3%.
      • Passive1: damage modifier 150% → 160%.
      • Passive2: new → heals a 15% HP.
  • Mauler Twin Ranged:
    • Stats:
      • ATK: 2126 → 2250.
      • DEF: 535 → 540.
    • Abilities:
      • Main: damage over time 50% → 120%, CD 15s → 17s.
      • Synergy: increase energy attack 4% → increase energy attack 3% & increase energy defense a 3%.
      • Passive2: damage modifier 100% → 115%.
  • Shrinking Rae:
    • Stats:
      • HP: 3195 → 3240.
      • ATK: 2116 → 2145.
      • Abilities:
        • Main: damage modifier 250% → 280%.
        • Passive1: dot applied 100% → 125%.
  • Titan:
    • Stats:
      • HP: 4023 → 4113.
  • Bulletproof:
    • Stats:
      • ATK: 2052→ 2100.
    • Abilities:
      • Main: damage modifier 350% → 370%.
  • Omni-man:
    • Abilities:
      • Passive 2: hp threshold for the instakill 5% → 10%.
  • War Woman:
    • Stats:
      • HP: 3093 → 3113.
      • ATK: 2291→ 2300.
    • Abilities:
      • Main: damage modifier 250% → 300%, CD: 20s → 19s.
      • Synergy: increase attack 1% → 1.5%.
      • Passive2: last hit push → last hit stuns, last hit additional damage 20% → 40%.


  • Several improvements on the AFK simulation performance.
  • New Local notifications for:
    • Daily Missions Ready.
    • Weekly Missions Ready.
    • Alliances Chest Full.
    • Alliances Battle Ready.
  • GDA Spy drone: Text clarification to specify which hero tags affect the artifact.
  • Damien Darkblood's notes: Change affected enemies from Earth Defender faction to human tag for consistency and to increase the variety of enemies affected.
  • Guardians of the Globe bracelet: Text clarification to specify which hero tags affect the artifact.
  • GDA Cloaking device: Fixes and text changes to be sure the text reflects the real effect of the artifact.
  • Cerulean Cosmos Flower: Fixes and text changes to be sure the text reflects the real effect of the artifact.


  • Allen the Alien:
    • Abilities:
      • Synergy: From Worlds beyond → Not of this Earth.
  • Aquarus:
    • Abilities:
      • Synergy: Guardians of the Globe → Original Guardians of the Globe.
  • Dupli-Kate:
    • Abilities:
      • Passive 1: Clone stats = 75% → clone stats = 25%.
  • Robot:
    • Abilities:
      • Synergy: Criminals → married to the mob.
      • Passive 1: beginning of the battle cooldown fix.
      • Passive 2: beginning of the battle cooldown fix.
  • Rex Splode:
    • Abilities:
      • Synergy: Flaxans → invaders.
  • Red Rush:
    • Abilities:
      • Synergy: Viltrumites → attackers.
  • Black Samson:
    • Abilities:
      • Synergy: Criminals → married to the mob.
  • Tether Tyrant:
    • Abilities:
      • Synergy: Criminals → married to the mob.
  • Isotope:
    • Abilities:
      • Synergy: Criminals → married to the mob
  • Magmaniac:
    • Abilities:
      • Synergy: Kursk→ married to the mob
  • Damien Darkblood:
    • Abilities:
      • Passive 1: 1s cooldown → 10s cooldown
  • Kursk:
    • Abilities:
      • Synergy: guardians of the globe → original guardians of the globe
  • Flaxan Leader:
    • Abilities:
      • Passive 1: fixed hardcoded cooldown
  • Invincible:
    • Abilities:
      • Passive 2: fixed dash functionality
  • Missing textures in Lab map.
  • Doc Seismic doesn't appear on the hero collection.
  • Kursk ability "Lightning strikes twice" doesn't apply the debuff.
  • Damien Darkblood may get stuck and un-targetable after using his ability in battle.
  • Battle Beast ability doesn't consume enemy wounds from his 1st Passive and doesn't heal him in battle.
  • The battle may get stuck when Isotope uses his ability on a dying hero in any loop.
  • Red Rush first passive reduces enemy defense by a huge amount in any battle.
  • All Doc Seismic skills appear without the icon.
  • Leaders are not able to demote other leaders in the Team Management screen.
  • Leaders are not able to kick other leaders in the Team Management screen.

And much more!