Each card in the game represents one of the Universes you will visit:

* Barbe Kingdom: Your shiny knight in armor, princess, and dragon fantasy! With a focus on dealing damage, boosting for more damage, and healing the tiny scratches that could happen, you will find lots of heavy damage-dealing units here!

* Dragon Mountain: An epic rendition of mythological Asian tales. Dragon Mountain focuses on damage and sneaky ways to deal them and stop your enemies' progression.

* West Valley: Here, the old world rules prevail. Cowboys and bandits live harmonious-ish lives, driven by guns, whisky, and gold. The West Valley deck focuses on damage and speed for those who will shoot first!

* Pirate Lagoon: Ahoy, matey! Here, we boost everything and make it all faster thanks to a special powder mix! The Pirate Lagoon deck is about dealing damage and doing it fast!

* Futuropolis: A matchup from the future or the past! Nobody knows what will await you here. A Futuropolis deck excels in battlefield control and limiting damage.

* Neutral: Not everyone in the Rabbids Multiverse felt like playing dress-up, so they all got stuck in the boring Neutral collection. The good news? You can include them in ANY deck. The Neutral collection contains a strong base set of cards whereby any player can fine-tune their deck toward the strategy they prefer.

More themes will come with seasonal events such as Halloween, Summer Break, School, Holidays, etc.