There are several ways to get new cards:

* Free Daily packs:

** You get one free pack of cards every day. Claim this from Daily Shop.

Check back each day to claim your Free Pack, or it will be wasted!

* PvP packs:

** You get PvP Packs for victories in PvP Multiplayer and through Arena Shop purchases. Need more cards or coins? Jump into PvP, win some battles, and earn yourself a pack!

* Daily Shop:

** Buy some cards for coins in the Daily Shop. Daily Shop stock is limited but gets replenished every 24 hours with new content.

* Arena Shop:

** PvP also has its own shop, which sells content for Toilet Paper Rolls. Just like the Daily Shop, it replaces its content every 24 hours.

* Stage completion:

** Complete every Stage of the Story Mode to unlock lots of new cards!

* Stage Objectives:

** Complete special objectives in all game stages to get special rewards!