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Increased the fuse time of Hibana's X-Kairos pellets from 2 seconds to 5 seconds, and raised their damage value from 5 to 20.
The Battle Pass has gotten a makeover! Enjoy new visuals, as well as the “Showcase”, which provides a 3D visualization of all the rewards you will receive when purchasing the Premium Pass or Premium Pass Elite.
Improved 3D legibility : Globally increased the volume of character movement SFX ("foley"), and slightly increased the volume of enemy movement.
Slightly increased the volume of enemy gunshots.
Slightly reduced the distant reverberation for enemy and ally gunshots.
Improved overall chat quality.
Text Chat has been enabled.
Players can use Text Chat to chat with friends and members of their Fireteam.
Text Chat will not be available in matches
Fixed an issue where the Operator lost all functionality after pressing the Swap Weapon button and the Gadget button simultaneously.
Fixed an issue causing the Camera view to flicker at certain angles when observed or spectated by other players.
Fixed an issue that caused the Bulletproof Camera to deploy with an already shattered glass panel (visual issue only).
Fixed a bug where allies' highlights were visible through some gadgets.
Fixed a bug where buttons disappeared after throwing a Drone when using custom gameplay settings.
Fixed a bug where the health bar would sometimes show 1 extra HP.
Fixed an issue where players would become stuck while reinforcing Hatches.
Fixed a bug where Hatch reinforcements would appear as wall reinforcements.
Fixed an issue where two or more downed players would prevent the match from ending as expected.
Fixed an issue in Bomb game modes where the round timer got stuck when the defuser was planted at the last second.
Addressed a bug where Drone presentation was not updated when the Drone was standing on a destroyed object.
Fixed a server-side crash related to VFX during Replays.
Fixed an issue where the Haptic feedback caused a crash.
Fixed an issue where bots would pick the same Operators for both teams during a Team Deathmatch game.
Resolved an issue where AI bots were unable to move past the police car on the Bank map.
Fixed an issue where connecting a Bluetooth headset while playing could cause controller stick drift.
Fixed an issue where the Cancel button appeared after a long delay upon opening the game.
Fixed an issue where the last player to pick an Operator in a Fireteam wasn’t able to select their loadout.
Fixed an issue causing the game to crash after pressing “Try Again” following a disconnection.
Fixed the overlap between the Play button and the Playlist details in the Battle Panel that would appear in certain aspect ratios.
Fixed an issue where the Fireteam UI stopped responding if the player failed to rejoin.
The Operator unlock method text now fits inside the Operator Details button and Mastery track.
Fixed the progress bar for maxed out Operators so it no longer overlaps with the Operator level.
Fixed the tooltip alignment for the Wallbuster Bullets in the Mastery track.
Caveira's shadow no longer disappears after entering an offer with her as the showcased Operator in the Shop.
Fixed the visible seam in the Pack model during the Pack opening sequence.
Fixed an issue where the Cancel button remained on-screen after deploying Twitch's Shock Drone.
Fixed a visual issue where the player's health was rounded down and appeared as 0.
Fixed an issue where the player's camera rotated sharply immediately after using the lean slider.
Fixed an issue where some of the UI would not be displayed properly after a player switched from Private Match to Fireteam.
Fixed an issue where “Play Again” would block the player from proceeding.
Fixed an issue where the Report button would overlap with Stats on some iOS devices.
Fixed an issue that caused the naming flow to get stuck when players used certain special characters in their names.
Fixed an issue where players could not enter the customization screen by tapping on their Avatars.
Fixed an issue where Ash's Breaching Round shells could be heard from too far a distance.
Fixed an issue where Death Drone SFX wouldn't properly trigger.
Fixed an issue where Sledge's Breaching Hammer swings would sometimes not be audible in third-person.
Fixed an issue where exiting rappel in third-person could stack SFX.
Fixed an issue where the defuser’s disabling SFX would continue playing at the end of the Defender tutorial.
Fixed an issue where sound wouldn't properly propagate between the Lobby Balcony and Lobby in Bank.
Fixed an issue where sound wouldn't properly propagate in Tower Stairs in Oregon.
Fixed an audio issue where players were not informed that they received damage during the onboarding sequence.
Performance improvements and bug fixes including:
Fixed bug where the Free tag was missing from relevant Shop categories.
Addressed an error that would occur when attempting to purchase Platinum with older accounts.