• Increased the fuse time of Hibana's X-Kairos pellets from 2 seconds to 5 seconds, and raised their damage value from 5 to 20.



  • The Battle Pass has gotten a makeover! Enjoy new visuals, as well as the “Showcase”, which provides a 3D visualization of all the rewards you will receive when purchasing the Premium Pass or Premium Pass Elite.


  • Improved 3D legibility : Globally increased the volume of character movement SFX ("foley"), and slightly increased the volume of enemy movement.
  • Slightly increased the volume of enemy gunshots. 
  • Slightly reduced the distant reverberation for enemy and ally gunshots.


  • Improved overall chat quality.


  • Text Chat has been enabled.
  • Players can use Text Chat to chat with friends and members of their Fireteam.
  • Text Chat will not be available in matches




  • Fixed an issue where the Operator lost all functionality after pressing the Swap Weapon button and the Gadget button simultaneously.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Camera view to flicker at certain angles when observed or spectated by other players.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Bulletproof Camera to deploy with an already shattered glass panel (visual issue only).
  • Fixed a bug where allies' highlights were visible through some gadgets.


  • Fixed a bug where buttons disappeared after throwing a Drone when using custom gameplay settings.
  • Fixed a bug where the health bar would sometimes show 1 extra HP.
  • Fixed an issue where players would become stuck while reinforcing Hatches.
  • Fixed a bug where Hatch reinforcements would appear as wall reinforcements.
  • Fixed an issue where two or more downed players would prevent the match from ending as expected.
  • Fixed an issue in Bomb game modes where the round timer got stuck when the defuser was planted at the last second.


  • Addressed a bug where Drone presentation was not updated when the Drone was standing on a destroyed object.
  • Fixed a server-side crash related to VFX during Replays.
  • Fixed an issue where the Haptic feedback caused a crash.


  • Fixed an issue where bots would pick the same Operators for both teams during a Team Deathmatch game.
  • Resolved an issue where AI bots were unable to move past the police car on the Bank map.



  • Fixed an issue where connecting a Bluetooth headset while playing could cause controller stick drift.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cancel button appeared after a long delay upon opening the game.
  • Fixed an issue where the last player to pick an Operator in a Fireteam wasn’t able to select their loadout.
  • Fixed an issue causing the game to crash after pressing “Try Again” following a disconnection.
  • Fixed the overlap between the Play button and the Playlist details in the Battle Panel that would appear in certain aspect ratios.
  • Fixed an issue where the Fireteam UI stopped responding if the player failed to rejoin.


  • The Operator unlock method text now fits inside the Operator Details button and Mastery track.
  • Fixed the progress bar for maxed out Operators so it no longer overlaps with the Operator level.
  • Fixed the tooltip alignment for the Wallbuster Bullets in the Mastery track.
  • Caveira's shadow no longer disappears after entering an offer with her as the showcased Operator in the Shop.
  • Fixed the visible seam in the Pack model during the Pack opening sequence.


  • Fixed an issue where the Cancel button remained on-screen after deploying Twitch's Shock Drone.
  • Fixed a visual issue where the player's health was rounded down and appeared as 0.
  • Fixed an issue where the player's camera rotated sharply immediately after using the lean slider.


  • Fixed an issue where some of the UI would not be displayed properly after a player switched from Private Match to Fireteam.


  • Fixed an issue where “Play Again” would block the player from proceeding.


  • Fixed an issue where the Report button would overlap with Stats on some iOS devices.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the naming flow to get stuck when players used certain special characters in their names.
  • Fixed an issue where players could not enter the customization screen by tapping on their Avatars.


  • Fixed an issue where Ash's Breaching Round shells could be heard from too far a distance.
  • Fixed an issue where Death Drone SFX wouldn't properly trigger.
  • Fixed an issue where Sledge's Breaching Hammer swings would sometimes not be audible in third-person.
  • Fixed an issue where exiting rappel in third-person could stack SFX.
  • Fixed an issue where the defuser’s disabling SFX would continue playing at the end of the Defender tutorial.
  • Fixed an issue where sound wouldn't properly propagate between the Lobby Balcony and Lobby in Bank.
  • Fixed an issue where sound wouldn't properly propagate in Tower Stairs in Oregon.
  • Fixed an audio issue where players were not informed that they received damage during the onboarding sequence.


Performance improvements and bug fixes including:

  • Fixed bug where the Free tag was missing from relevant Shop categories.
  • Addressed an error that would occur when attempting to purchase Platinum with older accounts.