The Growtopia Team is always aiming to provide you with the best gaming experience. Since the moderation team receives thousands of reports daily, please do not feel ignored if they aren’t able to respond to you. You can check if there are any moderators online by typing /mods on your chatbox. Please remember that all moderators have an ‘@’ in their names and their names are always purple.

The Customer Support Team can also help you with issues such as harassment and bullying over private messages in-game. Do not hesitate to send in your report and let us deal with them. However, please be reminded to refrain from sending false claims to our Customer Support Team, as this may result in permanent account suspension. Please use the Support channel responsibly.

Please note that reports sent to the Customer Support Team and Moderators are confidential and may include information that should not be shared. Any conversation between players and us that is posted externally is subject to deletion.