There are a number of reasons why you might be unable to create an account in Growtopia:

The device or IP address you are using has been blocked  

We may block a device or IP address from creating accounts to avoid spam. If a VPN or Proxy is accessing a blocked IP address, you will be unable to create an account.   You can try to create your account on a different device or IP address. Please keep in mind that if you switch devices you will lose your guest account. Always make sure to create a GrowID immediately!  

The limit of created accounts has been reached  

There is a maximum number of accounts allowed on each device and IP address.   If the system indicates that too many accounts have been created for this IP address or device, you will be unable to create a new one.  

These are common issues for people who use public IP Addresses, for example in internet cafés, schools, or with their phone's mobile internet.

Please note, that we cannot remove or increase the limit of accounts that can be created.