We won't spoil the amazing and hilarious single player campaign for you here. Simply get out there and battle your way through the streets of South Park!
The kids of South Park have laid out a bunch of stages for you to battle through. Simply continue progressing along the path and kicking kids asses to progress from stage to stage. Every stage has loot, because what's a game without that sweet, sweet loot? When you beat a stage you have a shot at collecting 3 of the possible 10 rewards awaiting you. We don't believe in grind, so you never will need to beat the same stage twice! When you do kick the crap out of a stage boss, the stage will "level up". This means there's fresh loot to be gotten, but also tougher enemies to battle!
An Episode is made up of five stages. Level up the stages in an Episode enough times and the whole Episode will level up. Leveling up an Episode improves the loot you will find at the end of each stage.