Most characters have Special Powers. Special powers come in four flavors:
•        Warcry: Geranimo! These powers happen as soon as you play a character that has a Warcry ability. Maybe it's running to an enemy and hitting them hard! Or throwing something at an enemy. Or poisoning some enemies. Or maybe boosting your characters. In any case, to use this type of Special Power, just play the character and it will do the rest.
•        Aura: Some characters are so cool, they do things just by being on the battlefield! Like healing Allies. Or reducing the attack of nearby enemies. To use these Special Powers, again, just play them, and they will do their thing to surrounding units as long as they are alive.
•        Deathwish: Some characters do stuff when they die. For example, a character might leave a grenade that does a huge explosion. Or its vengeful spirit can get revenge on an enemy that just killed it. Lots of fun. To use these Special Powers, all you need to do is let your Deathwish characters die and reap the benefits! Sorry Kenny!
•        Charged: These are the most special of all the Special Powers, you can actually control them! Quite a few characters charge up their power, and when it's ready - tap the bubble that appears above the character and it will do its thing.